, Serving your home, farm and garden needs since 1890.
Non Lethal Kit For All Types Of Rodents Inside The Home
This kit comes with everything listed below -

Tip-Traps -( 6 Each ) We love these things. They work always and are inexpensive and re-usable. Mice love to go in a trap that another mouse has been in. They will not harm the rodent, but a great tool in riding your home of the uninvited guests.

Cooper's 745 -( 1 each ) I have kept the Cooper's 745 ( live trap that catches Rats, Mice, Squirrels, Chipmunks, and small Opossums ) trap under our sink for years in case a mouse or rat gets in some how. The main thing is trying to keep them out by rodent proofing your home which is no easy task believe me. I am always on guard for newly formed entry holes (by placing a bright light in our house on a dark night and having a careful inspection all around the house including the roof!!) . You can bait this trap with peanut butter on bread, peanuts in the shell and sunflower seeds etc.. and if that does not work try the best bait of all (cracklings) you find at the grocery. Save this bait as the last resort.

Repeating Rat Trap - This Is A Wonderful Trapping Device When You Are Over Run With Warf And Roof Rats! This is a new Type Trap that lets up to a dozen or more full grown rats in at a time. It has a seesaw type door on both sides that lets rats in but not out. We have new type lure that we have developed especially for this trap. Check below. The trap you see above has 5
rats in it.

Rat Lure For All Types Of Traps - This is a very effective lure we use in our feed warehouses. We have to have something that will draw the rodents away from our feed supply and that is very difficult when you have over 100 tons in stock of peanuts, sunflower seeds, sweet feed, dog and cat food etc. You can use
it in the pro-ketch, 745 live trap and the repeating rat trap.
Order Line: 1-877-463-6697

131 Eaton St.
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
(770) 963-6183 | Fax: (770) 963-9477 | Order Line: 877-463-6697
Store Hours (Eastern): M-F: 8:00-5:30, Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed